Roofing is hard. Climate, seasonal patterns, and the sheer size of private and commercial roofs make inspecting and / or replacing one’s roof a problematic and arduous task. If fixing up or tending to your roof is in your line of sight, then the wise decision would be to hire a pro during the fall months.
The 6 reasons for which we recommend you to hire a industry vet during the fall are listed here:
- Turbulent Times Have Passed – Summertime in Texas is no joke, especially here in the greater Bryan / College Station area. We are far likelier to see potent, property-damaging weather events during the summer months. This makes fall an optimal time to take stock of any possible disturbances to your roof. In addition, the weather patterns of the summer can suspend roofing work as well as directly impact the caliber of installation and maintenance.
- Beautiful Weather – Roofing industry connoisseurs all maintain that the range of 45 – 50 degrees is prime roofing weather. Further, asphalt shingles, one of the most widely sought after shingle-types, responds remarkably well to being installed during this temperature area.
- Winter Weather Doesn’t Help – If the average temperature for fall is the perfect time to install asphalt shingles, then the winter is at the opposite end of the spectrum. The colder it gets the more frail shingles become, breaking much easier as they are nailed and installed.
- Fall Helps The Sealant – Much like the shingles are installed best during the fall, the same goes for applying sealant to your roof. Doing this in the fall allows the sealant time to properly seal before winter, creating a better coating to keep your house warm.
- Winter’s Fury – Along with cold temperatures, winter also brings with it sleet, snow, and ice. All of these functions can overwhelm an already weak roof. This is yet another reason to get your roof looked at before winter sets in.
- Conserve Dough On The Heating Bill – Getting your roof work done in the fall sets you up to be more energy efficient during the winter, which can save you money on your heating. You can even flip those savings and put them towards paying for your roof work.
Although it is widely debated that waiting until winter or spring can save homeowners money and offer better choices in terms of choosing a roofing contractor, that tends to be a false narrative. A lot of the time, roofing contractors switch to their snow removal work or other endeavours during the winter, or the contractors take a much needed vacation during this time. On top of this, waiting until the winter or spring brings much more uncertainty weather-wise.
No matter what type of shingle you are looking for, or even if you are in the market for yearly inspection or need major work done on your roofing system, RocStout Roofing is here for you. Contact us now, before the cold of winter is here to stay.